
Rikkert Frederix, Davide Pagani, Ioannis Tsinikos
Precise predictions for single-top production: the impact of EW corrections and QCD shower on the t-channel signature
In this work we calculate and provide precise predictions for the signature that is typically exploited at the LHC for the measurement of t-channel single-top production: 1 lepton, 1 light jet, 1 b-jet, missing-ET and no additional jets or leptons. We apply the cuts that define the fiducial region and we take into account all the contributions to this signature; not only those from resonant t-channel single-top production. On the one hand, we calculate the complete-NLO corrections, i.e., all NLO effects of QCD and EW origin. On the other hand, we study in detail the impact of a QCD parton shower for the fiducial region we consider. We provide predictions in different approximations at the inclusive level and for several differential distributions. Our study demonstrates the relevance of both EW corrections and shower effects for obtaining precise and reliable theoretical predictions for the single-top-production fiducial region.
LU TP 19-29
