Victor P. Goncalves, Boris Kopeliovich, Jan Nemchik, Roman Pasechnik, Irina Potashnikova
Heavy flavor production in high-energy pp collisions: color dipole description
We present a detailed study of open heavy flavor production in high-energy pp collisions at the LHC in the color dipole framework. The transverse momentum distributions of produced b-jets, accounting for the jet energy loss, as well as produced open charm D and bottom B mesons in distinct rapidity intervals relevant for LHC measurements are computed. The dipole model results for the differential b-jet production cross section are compared to the recent ATLAS and CMS data while the results for D and B mesons production cross sections -- to the corresponding LHCb data. Several models for the phenomenological dipole cross section have been employed to estimate theoretical uncertainties of the dipole model predictions. We demonstrate that the primordial transverse momentum distribution of the projectile gluon significantly affects the meson spectra at low transverse momenta and contributes to the largest uncertainty of the dipole model predictions.
LU TP 17-08