
Johan Bijnens (Lund)
CHIRON: a package for ChPT numerical results at two loops
This document describes the package CHIRON which includes two libraries, chiron itself and jbnumlib. CHIRON is a set of routines useful for two-loop numerical results in Chiral Perturbation Theory (ChPT). It includes programs for the needed one- and two-loop integrals as well as routines to deal with the ChPT parameters. The present version includes everything needed for the masses, decay constants and quark-antiquark vacuum-expectation-values. An added routine calculates consistent values for the masses and decay constants when the pion and kaon masses are varied. In addition a number of finite volume results are included: one-loop tadpole integrals, two-loop sunset integrals and the results for masses and decay constants. The numerical routine library jbnumlib contains the numerical routines used in chiron. Many are to a large extent simple C++ versions of routines in the CERNLIB numerical library. Notable exceptions are the dilogarithm and the Jacobi theta function implementations. This paper describes what is included in CHIRON v0.50.
LU TP 14-41
