R. S. Pasechnik, B. Z. Kopeliovich
Drell-Yan diffraction: breakdown of QCD factorisation
We consider the diffractive Drell-Yan process in proton-(anti)proton collisions at high energies in the color dipole approach. The calculations are performed at forward rapidities of the leptonic pair. Effect of eikonalization of the universal "bare"dipole-target elastic amplitude in the saturation regime takes into account the principal part of the gap survival probability. We present predictions for the total and differential cross sections of the single diffractive lepton pair production at RHIC and LHC energies. We analyze implications of the QCD factorisation breakdown in the diffractive Drell-Yan process, which is caused by a specific interplay of the soft and hard interactions, and resulting in rather unusual properties of the corresponding observables.
LU TP 11-32