
B. Alessandro, D. Bergman, M. Bongi, A. Bunyatyan, L. Cazon, D.
d'Enterria, I. de Mitri, P. Doll, R. Engel, K. Eggert, M. Garzelli, L.
Gerhardt, S. Gieseke, R. Godbole, J.F. Grosse-Oetringhaus, G.
Gustafson, T. Hebbeker, L. Kheyn, J. Kiryluk, P. Lipari, S.
Ostapchenko, T. Pierog, O. Piskounova, J. Ranft, A. Rezaeian, A.
Rostovtsev, N. Sakurai, S. Sapeta, S. Schleich, H. Schulz, T.
Sjostrand, L. Sonnenschein, M. Sutton, R. Ulrich, K. Werner, K. Zapp
Hadron-Hadron and Cosmic-Ray Interactions at multi-TeV Energies
The workshop on "Hadron-Hadron and Cosmic-Ray Interactions at multi-TeV
Energies" held at the ECT* centre (Trento) in Nov.-Dec. 2010 gathered
together both theorists and experimentalists to discuss issues of the
physics of high-energy hadronic interactions of common interest for the
particle, nuclear and cosmic-ray communities. QCD results from collider
experiments -- mostly from the LHC but also from the Tevatron, RHIC and
HERA -- were discussed and compared to various hadronic Monte Carlo
generators, aiming at an improvement of our theoretical understanding of
soft, semi-hard and hard parton dynamics. The latest cosmic-ray results
from various ground-based observatories were also presented with an
emphasis on the phenomenological modeling of the first hadronic
interactions of the extended air-showers generated in the Earth
atmosphere. These mini-proceedings consist of an introduction and short
summaries of the talks presented at the meeting.
LU TP 11-05 