Christoffer Flensburg
Quasielastic Scattering in the Dipole Model


A series of previous papers develops a dipole model in initial state impact parameter space that includes subleading effects such as running alpha strong, unitarity, confinement and saturation. Here some recent work is presented, where the model is applied to a new set of data: vector meson production in photon-proton, DVCS and t-dependence in elastic proton-proton collisions. This allows us to tune a more realistic model of the proton wavefunction from the pp data, and confirm the predictive power of the model in high Q2 of DVCS and vector meson production. For low Q2 vector meson resonances dominate the photon wavefunction, making our predictions depend on a tuned parametrisation in this range.

LU TP 09-03, arXiv:0902.3606 [hep-ph]