Rosa Maria Duran Delgado, Gosta Gustafson, Leif Lönnblad
String Effects on Fermi-Dirac Correlation Measurements


We investigate some recent measurements of Fermi--Dirac correlations by the LEP collaborations indicating surprisingly small source radii for the production of baryons in $e^+e^-$-annihilation at the $Z^0$ peak. In the hadronization models there are besides the Fermi--Dirac correlation effect also a strong dynamical (anti-)correlation. We demonstrate that the extraction of the pure FD effect is highly dependent on a realistic Monte Carlo event generator, both for separation of those dynamical correlations which are not related to Fermi--Dirac statistics, and for corrections of the data and background subtractions. Although the model can be tuned to well reproduce single particle distributions, there are large model-uncertainties when it comes to correlations between identical baryons. We therefore, unfortunately, have to conclude that it is at present not possible to make any firm conclusion about the source radii relevant for baryon production at LEP.

LU TP 07-07, hep-ph/0702241