T. Sjöstrand and P.Z. Skands
Transverse-Momentum-Ordered Showers and Interleaved
Multiple Interactions
submitted to Eur. Phys. J. C.
We propose a sophisticated framework for high-energy
hadronic collisions, wherein different QCD physics
processes are interleaved in a common sequence of falling
transverse-momentum values. Thereby phase-space competition
is introduced between multiple parton-parton interactions
and initial-state radiation. As a first step we develop new
transverse-momentum-ordered showers for initial- and
final-state radiation, which should be of use also beyond
the scope of the current article. These showers are then
applied in the context of multiple interactions, and a few
tests of the new model are presented. The article concludes
with an outlook on further aspects, such as the possibility
of a shower branching giving partons participating in two
different interactions.
LU TP 04-29