
Emil Avsar
Saturation In Deep Inelastic
Master of Science thesis
The solution to the BFKL equation grows like a power of
center of mass energy, $s$, violating unitarity conditions
at high energies. The growth of the cross section can be
tamed by taking into account multiple pomeron exchanges.
This is known as saturation and it is expressed in the
Balitsky-Kovchegov equation. Conservation of energy should
also slow down the growth of the cross section, and our aim
in this work is to study the effects of enforcing energy
conservation in DIS-events. Using the dipole picture,
onium-onium collisions can be viewed, in the large $N_c$
and the leading logarithmic limits, as the scattering of a
collection of color dipoles. We construct a Monte Carlo
program, based on Mueller's model, and using energy
conservation, to study onium-onium and onium-nucleus
collisions. Dipole fusion processes will be important at
high gluon densities and should also slow down the growth
of the cross section. We propose an expression for the
fusion factor and use it in our Monte Carlo to study its
LU TP 04-24 