Tobias Toll
Studies of Boson Gluon Fusion Events in Deep Inelastic e-p Scattering
Master of Science thesis

There are many models describing DIS-events. For many observables the Colour Dipole Model, as implemented in Ariadne, gives the best description. Compared to other models the CDM contains many elements which cannot be derived from perturbative QCD. To further understand the strong force it is therefore interesting to compare the CDM to other models. In this thesis a new version of Ariadne is introduced in which BGF events are treated in a way which is different from the default version. Two effects have been investigated: the correlation between seaquarks at BGF events, and the correlations of the emissions from the two colour-lines of the struck gluon. For the first effect, comparisons to experimental data obtained at HERA by the H1 Collaboration were made. A clear signal between the two versions was found but the differences were too small in the kinematic region where H1 perform measurements, for any definite conclusions to be drawn. A strong signal was also found in the correlation between emissions from the two colour-lines of the struck gluon. More experimental results for comparisons would be welcome!

LU TP 04-21