E. Thomé
Perturbative and Nonperturbative Effects in
Transverse Momentum Generation
Master of Science thesis
The transverse momentum of a colour-singlet massive
particle in a hadronic collision is built up by two
components, the perturbative effect of parton branchings
and the nonperturbative effect of primordial kT. In
previous studies of transverse momentum spectra for Z0
production at the Tevatron, the best fit to the
experimental data are given when the primordial kT is set
to a much higher value than what is expected considering
the confinement of partons in the proton. We here
investigate the possibility that the reason for this is
that too few branchings are generated in showers, compared
to the evolution used in the tuning of parton densities.
This could then be compensated by increasing the value of
Lambda_QCD. The study is done using the regular Pythia
showering routines and a new algorithm where the branchings
are ordered in transverse momentum pT^2 instead of
virtuality Q^2.
LU TP 04-01