Peter Skands, Benjamin C. Allanach, Howard Baer, Csaba
Balazs, Genevieve Belanger, Fawzi Boudjema, Abdelhak
Djouadi, Rohini Godbole, Jaume Guasch, Sven Heinemeyer,
Wolfgang Kilian, Jean-Loic Kneur, Sabine Kraml, Filip
Moortgat, Stefano Moretti, Margarete Muhlleitner, Werner
Porod, Alexander Pukhov, Peter Richardson, Steffen
Schumann, Pietro Slavich, Michael Spira, Georg
The SUSY Les Houches Accord Project
submitted to the proceedings of the Workshop on Physics
at TeV Colliders, Les Houches, France, 26 May - 6 June
An accord specifying a unique set of conventions for
supersymmetric extensions of the Standard Model together
with generic file structures for (1) supersymmetric model
specifications and input parameters, (2) electroweak scale
supersymmetric mass and coupling spectra, and (3) decay
tables is defined, to provide a universal interface between
spectrum calculation programs, decay packages, and high
energy physics event generators.
LU TP 03-48